Today, stories are a great way to sell content. These are creative and diversified too. A brand can leverage stories with motion graphics for its own good. Brands are getting their narrative across with storytelling.
It can be something emotional. Controversy can also prove to be thought-provoking for the audience. You can make stories powerful with motion graphics.
But how do you do that? This article will unleash this secret on you in further sections.
Before we move forward, you need to learn about the relationship between motion graphics and storytelling.
How do Motion Graphics and Storytelling relate?
The art of motion graphics itself is a way to depict a story. The primitive form of storytelling is verbal. But the contemporary usage of motion graphics is beyond this concept.
Motion graphics include several elements that come together to narrate a story. One of the prominent elements to consider is video flow. The transitions and different effects enhance the back-end motive of such a production.
Music design and sound effects are also major parts of storytelling in motion graphics. You can use them in an executable way to improve the style of narration.
Voice-overs also act as your virtual storyteller for the audience. It means you are engaging them with a story without actually being with them.
Now that you know how storytelling and motion graphics relate. You must be aware of the benefits to tell a story with motion graphics.
What are the benefits to tell a story with motion graphics?
It will be not wrong to say that motion graphics are crucial for the modern form of storytelling. There is no doubt that storytelling is a pivotal point in marketing. The best part is that it teams up with motion graphics to boost the collateral impact.
Following are some eminent benefits of storytelling in motion graphics:
1. Emotional Relevance: Storytelling is emotionally contagious. It talks with the audience. Resonates with their pain points as well. It also shows them why they should buy from you.
Such stories come with the ear-pleasing music. Cohesive voiceovers help understand the concept better. Visual enhancements are for keeping the audience hooked for a long time.
2. Simplified Narration: Stories are for changing complicated concepts for the audience. Since it includes different people with distinct levels of adaptation. It is important that your brand’s message gets across to each of them on an equal basis.
The content of motion graphics is much easier to process. It does not include jargon. Jarring transitions as well. It means it amplifies complex subject matter into an understandable format for every person in the audience.
3. Convenient Interaction: Your audience interacts with stories easily. It means in less time, they get your message with less hustle. Since people are more into video-based content, stories in motion graphics will prove to be fruitful.
The experience with such story-based videos is feasible. The audience not only enjoys the subject but also intrigues them. They develop a sense of curiosity to learn about your brand.
4. Possible Reprocessing: This point shows that you can reprocess such videos to a large extent. Transform the older content. Use the former content in a unique way. It takes less time than reprocessing any other form of content.
You can use story-based videos on different platforms as well. Share these in different communities. Accelerate your brand awareness like never before!
A motion graphics company just like BuzzFlick knows how to pull it off in an impressive way. These professionals know what story would be a perfect match for your brand.
5. Expedient Delivery: Motion graphics drive the stories faster. It means the audience does not have to bore themselves with the drab type of content. Also, it saves your time and theirs as well.
When you need to hook them in a few seconds, stories work best. A good open loop will intrigue them. The body of the story will maintain the thread of curiosity till the end.
How to tell a story with motion graphics?
The art of blending stories with motion graphics is remarkable. The punch of motion graphics augments the quality of a story for marketing purposes. In this case, you need to learn about the concepts of core motion graphics.
The next step is to curate a compelling story that goes well with your brand. In this section, you will learn about the 3 main steps of this process.
1. Developing Concept: You need to be good with the conceptualization of a story to tell. Some people take a few hours to develop a concept. In some cases, authorities like Disney or Pixar would take almost a year for this.
Different people have their own way to bring up the conceptualization. Some have an outline while others keep it remembered. The best way you can develop a story concept is by answering some questions.
● What is your purpose for this story?
● Does it relate to your audience?
● How it will create an impact on your audience?
2. Creating Storyboard: A storyboard is the practical execution of your ideas or concepts. These are a series of sketches that give a you clear idea. You need to create your sketches on the different frames at this stage.
The prime motive of a storyboard is to lay the foundation of digital designs and effects. The storyboard helps you overlap the story and motion graphics on all counts. Storyboards are flexible to changes.
You can discuss them with your friends and team members. Get honest reviews and then bring needful changes to this storyboard.
Once completed, you cannot reverse the changes of a storyboard after the final output. Make sure what you do is your last decision at this point.
3. Inserting Design: It is the final step of the entire process. This phase includes designing your storyboard on whole. Different software can help you in this pursuit as well. You can use motion graphics transitions for a good impression.
You can also include music design, voice-overs, and sound effects in your storytelling motion graphics video. The final product is your refined and desired motion graphics video with a compelling subject of storytelling.
In a Nutshell
Motion graphics is a large horizon to ponder. There is no doubt about its agility for combing with the art of storytelling. You can reap huge benefits of both these skills in terms of marketing and brand awareness.
This article was for sharing some facts about how storytelling relates to motion graphics. You learned about its benefits. The one that intrigues you the most is the short-time relevance of such content.
The three steps that process such videos should help you dig deeper into them. Each of these phases is sufficient enough to bring you satisfactory results.
You can explore BuzzFlick, a video animated company for services of quality production of motion graphics videos. Their products speak to the heart! You can head over to their website to have a quick look at their portfolio.
Don’t forget to check out essential insights on motion graphics on their website as well.