7 Types of Lawyers and What They Do in the Legal System

Types of Lawyers

Most people know that there are lawyers, but many don’t understand exactly what they do or which type applies to their situation. A lawyer can specialise in different types of law so it’s important to recognise what type of lawyer you may need. For example, commercial lawyers Melbourne companies use provide legal advice to CEOs or business owners, while criminal lawyers handle vastly different cases to this. 

Let us take a look at seven primary types of lawyers who play important roles in the legal system. We’ll explore the purpose each type of lawyer serves and explain why each type is important.

Contracts Lawyer 

A contracts lawyer is a type of attorney that specialises in contract law, which covers the formation and enforcement of legal agreements. Generally, they provide advice to their clients on contract-related matters. They draft, review, negotiate and interpret complex business contracts such as: 

  • Leases
  • Franchise agreements
  • Supply and service contracts
  • Employment agreements
  • Stock purchase agreements and mergers
  • Acquisitions contracts

In addition to their work with drafting contracts, they can also help companies comply with contract laws by researching regulations or statutes related to specific industries such as finance, construction or real estate.

Bankruptcy Lawyer 

Bankruptcy lawyers typically help people or businesses that are facing financial difficulties and need to declare themselves or their businesses bankrupt as a means of obtaining debt relief.

A bankruptcy lawyer’s job involves:

  • Filing documents with the court
  • Attending court hearings
  • Arguing on behalf of a client regarding the discharge of certain debts
  • Helping creditors understand the effects of a bankruptcy ruling
  • Advising clients on the best legal steps to take when faced with various financial issues

These types of lawyers also provide advice on how to reduce debt and other legal services such as dispute resolution, and asset protection planning arising from economic hardships.

Constitutional Lawyer 

A constitutional lawyer provides legal advice to organisations and individuals on how to better comply with their rights, duties, and obligations under the rules of the constitution. 

The role of a constitutional lawyer involves researching and interpreting cases and applying relevant laws when they are brought before the court on behalf of their assigned clients. 

They also provide assistance and advice concerning various legal matters such as free speech, voting rights, civil liberties, executive powers, religious freedom, and separation of powers among others. Most importantly they need attention to detail so that they can give accurate analysis which could potentially result in a favourable outcome for their client’s legal issue or case.

Employment and Labour Lawyer 

An employment and labour lawyer is a professional that specialises in the legal protection of employees’ rights. They provide advice and representation on issues related to an individual’s term of employment within a company such as: 

  • Discrimination
  • Wage and hour disputes
  • Wrongful termination
  • Disability accommodation
  • Safety in the workplace

Labour lawyers also provide legal counsel for businesses to ensure that their employment policies are compliant with federal and state laws. Once hired, they advocate for employee rights during interactions with their supervisors or employers by providing sound negotiation strategies. 

Criminal Defence Lawyer 

A criminal defence lawyer specialises in the defence of individuals and companies charged with criminal activity. They provide legal advice and representation to their clients and analyse the case to determine the best way to handle it. 

Furthermore, a criminal defence lawyer looks for any legal issues or holes in the prosecution’s case, and negotiate plea bargains and other alternative resolutions when appropriate. 

Before taking a case to trial, they will also conduct thorough investigations into their client’s situation. They will anticipate possible arguments from the opposing side and prepare for them. 

Their role is especially important when someone faces unjust charges as they strive to protect the rights of their clients during every step of the process.

Commercial Litigation Lawyer  

A commercial litigation lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in disputes and other issues between two or more businesses. They are responsible for representing the interests of their clients in the courtroom, as well as helping them to negotiate settlements outside of court.

These lawyers research relevant laws, contracts, and documents related to commercial claims and dispute resolution. Commercial litigation lawyers Melbourne companies trust draft pleadings and motions necessary to pursue both complex and simple cases.

Commercial litigators are skilled negotiators. They can analyse opposing sides’ claims thoroughly, evaluate applicable case law, and prepare persuasive presentations for jurors. 

Estate Planning Lawyer 

Estate planning lawyers are attorneys who help individuals and families create legally binding documents. These documents define the family’s wishes for the distribution of their property after death. 

They can provide advice on how to best protect assets from taxation, lawsuits and other legal issues. Estate planning lawyers typically offer services such as drafting wills, setting up trusts, developing healthcare directives and handling power of attorney documents.

Final Thought 

If you are looking for legal advice or representation, understanding the different types of lawyers within the legal system can help you choose the most suitable option. Each lawyer has their own area of expertise, and by researching each type available, you can ensure that your case is in the best hands possible.

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