As a general rule, homeowners should clean their gutters twice a year to extend their lifespan and prevent future problems.
Learning how to eliminate clogged gutters is crucial for giving you peace of mind and preventing pests from invading your home. But, if you’re new to this, it can feel difficult knowing what to do. Maybe that’s why you’re here; you want to get rid of clogged gutters and need help.
Sounds like you? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five ways to fix clogged gutters.
Why You Must Fix Clogged Gutters
Before we dive into how to clean clogged gutters, it’s important to know why it’s essential. Many homeowners fall into the trap of procrastinating and letting the problem develop even more, notes leading property management company, Legacy Realty & Management experts. To avoid being in this predicament, know this is why you must clean gutters.
Impacts Your Property’s Foundation
Homeowners should strive for clog free gutters because they can negatively impact your property’s foundation. This is because if you’ve got a clogged gutter, the water will pool around the base of your home and eventually weaken its foundation. If this continues, eventually, the foundation will crack and let water seep into the basement, destroying it forever.
Causes a Pest Infestation
Another reason to avoid clogged gutters is that insects love them. Pests often thrive in wet conditions and settle into unkempt gutters, especially if there is plenty of debris like leaves there. In the worst-case scenario, homeowners may find unwanted visitors like spiders, rats, and even birds living there.
Stains Your Home’s Exterior
You should find the best no clog gutters; otherwise, you may notice stains on your home’s exterior. Examine the downspouts and gutters as it’s a telltale sign that the gutters have been overflowing with rainwater. Then, look out for stains in the ceiling or the attic as it could mean that your gutters are clogged and cause further damage.
Sagging Gutters
Although it doesn’t seem terrible, sagging gutters will eventually pull away from your roof. As a result, the weight can even break off part of your home’s exterior. And if you’ve noticed clogged gutters for an extended period, know that it can cause illnesses, especially if there are signs of water damage inside the home.
For instance, the water may eventually develop into mold or mildew, which puts your family at risk. If this goes unnoticed, it can cause respiratory problems and allergies.
How to Fix Clogged Gutters
On the upside, there are many ways to prioritize no clogged gutters and prevent these problems. Fixing clogged gutters is also simple and effective when action is taken promptly. Here’s everything you need to know.
1. Use a Leaf Blower
Homeowners on the hunt for the best clog free gutters should take advantage of a leaf blower.
Once you’ve donned work gloves and safety goggles, use the machine to eliminate any obvious blockages in the gutter. You should also target the surrounding area to reduce the risk of debris buildup.
It’s wise to do this with a family member or friend so that they can hold the ladder while you carry the leaf blower.
2. Install a Gutter Guard
An effective way to prevent clogged gutters is by installing a rain guard. Not only are they affordable but they prevent clogs from occurring, which will save a fortune over time. If you’re interested, it’s wise to contact a reliable company to install the K-Guard on your gutter.
If your gutters keep clogging, it may be because the gutters are too old or aren’t of good quality. Make sure that the gutters have been properly installed or consider getting a new system installed for peace of mind. Although there will be an upfront cost, this investment will save you a huge amount of money in the long run.
3. Keep Trees Trimmed
Get into the habit of trimming the trees or any vegetation surrounding your property. If you don’t, they will grow near your property and drop leaves into your gutter, especially in the fall. The problem is that the organic matter will eventually build up and stop rainwater from flowing through.
4. Unclog the Downspout Regularly
Homeowners should also ensure that the downspout is unclogged. You can use a pressure washer to dislodge compacted leaves or pine needles that are impossible to remove. Generally, unclog your downspout in spring and fall to keep gutters clear all year round.
Further, you should check the gutter’s position. Ideally, there should be a slope as it moves unwanted water away from the property. Because of this, regularly check the angle for peace of mind.
5. Hire a Professional
The best way to reduce the risk of clogged gutters is to hire a professional service. These professionals have the experience and equipment for the job. You can also ask them any questions you have about the gutters and if you’ve noticed a recurring problem.
And if you haven’t already, arrange regular inspections to reduce the chances of clogging. Getting the gutter inspected will highlight any issues so you can fix them before they develop into a more serious issue.
Avoid Clogged Gutters Today
Hopefully, you now know how to prevent clogged gutters.
There are many ways you can prevent any issues, such as using a leaf blower to remove debris and keeping nearby trees trimmed. Homeowners should also seek professional assistance and get their gutters inspected regularly to prevent any issues. Good luck!
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