Becoming a Java Developer: Here are 6 Tips on What you Need to do


Java was invented in the 90s and was finally released in 1995. Since then, it’s been one of the most popular object-oriented programming languages. Today it’s primarily used for Android app creation, even though you can easily implement it in IoT, cloud-based applications, and machine-learning environments.

As a Java developer, you can design and develop Java applications while maintaining them as needed. Java is integral to every large company, especially when offering client and server-side solutions. Sometimes people think the demand is not great, but if you check on the regular job postings, you will find quite a few companies who need to hire Java developer online or for in-house needs.

So, if you are familiar with Core Java and object-oriented programming, you can be sure this is a great career choice for you. You can work in many industries as a developer, testing expert, or regular app maintenance. In general, Java developers are mostly focused on software and mobile app development.

But is there a direct way to become a good and successful Java developer? Surely you can do that, but you have some steps in between. So, let’s see how to embrace this career the right way:

1. The Core Java Principles

Core Java is also known as Java SE (Standard Edition). This is the most natural way to familiarize yourself with Java basics, like loops, arrays, or libraries, and how to implement the OOP (object-oriented programing) principles. Then, you can focus on more advanced questions like what is encapsulation in java or how to define objects and classes.

Sometimes, it will come pretty naturally to understand these principles, especially if you are already familiar with any kind of programming.

Additionally, you can learn the basics of Java Card, Java Micro Edition, and Java Platform Enterprise Edition. But, no matter what you do, we suggest always starting with Core Java and then upgrading your knowledge as needed.

2. Understand the SOLID Principles

When some company is looking for java developers for hire, they usually plan on testing the basic understanding and some mid-range skills for beginners or candidates with little experience. That’s why they would test you on SOLID principles. But what does it mean?

As you suppose, it is an acronym for more complex principles, including:

S – Single Responsibility Principle means a class should only cover one problem.

O – Open-Closed Principle for extending (not modifying) entities.

L – Liskov Substitution Principle, to replace superclasses with subclasses.

I – Interface Segregation Principle, or creating a separate interface for different clients.

D – The dependency Inversion Principle means high-level modules shouldn’t support lower-level modules.

3. Never Stop Practicing

Becoming a great Java developer depends on your talent, dedication, and knowledge. But, if you practice, you can literally get better with every step you take.

That’s why you have to use all the resources you can access and even find practical exercises to test your skills. Also, try writing small projects, fixing bugs, and running the program. This way, you can see how it goes and which parts you need to improve while working on your projects.

4. Learn Java Frameworks

When you know Core Java, you can also focus on the frameworks too. For example, Hibernate, Spring, Eclipse, and Spark are among the most popular. Most companies today use frameworks for Java development, depending on what their goals are.

So, if you are familiar with at least one of the frameworks, you can quickly learn any other you need for the job. This way, you increase your chances of getting the job you want.

5. Your Responsibilities as Java Developer

Depending on your experience, you have different Java development responsibilities. So, the beginners will work on strengthening their Java programming, writing code, testing, bug fixes, and collaborating with the whole team.

At the same time, mid-level developers are focused on more complex code and fixing advanced errors. They can plan intermediate and advanced Java projects and easily use a framework for that. They often help junior developers quickly get into the process and create project documentation together.

Of course, senior developers have more responsibilities in their hands. They should monitor the junior’s performance, contact the vendors, calculate the development expenses, and plan the Java projects. Often they jump into development and coding to fix advanced errors and provide more optimal solutions. They also give feedback to their less experienced coworkers and help them get better at the job.

6. Technical and Soft Skills you Need as Java Developer

The main skill you need is coding in Java. Then, you have to understand the differences between various Java editions and which one you need to use. Every developer must know how to test their code, update the program, fix bugs, and use different frameworks.

Usually, SQL can be a helpful skill for you. Many Java developers use MySQL to integrate databases into their apps.

Additionally, you have to show strong time and project management skills. That means you need to determine the priorities and plan the development, implementation, and integration. Everything should go smoothly if you manage your time correctly.

And, of course, we shouldn’t skip on the soft skills. For example, you need to insist on transparent communication and accept the improvement suggestions. Be a team player, but never let anyone take credit for your hard work. Ensure you consistently report the issues and progress on time, be responsible, meet the deadlines, and ask for help when needed.

Final Thoughts

Maybe it’s not that difficult to become a Java developer, but you must invest plenty of time and effort in the process. You can find learning resources, work on independent projects, or even start as a freelancer until you gain relevant experience.

Of course, if it seems like you can’t learn Java, don’t worry because there are many other programming languages, environments, and frameworks you can focus on. It’s not important only to know Java because you really need to love and enjoy that career path. That’s the only way to be successful in what you do.

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